H.U.B Services Charitable Trust
P O Box 716, Kaikohe, Kaikohe
Sarah Pakai, Mrs., Administrator Mob: 0226449783
Ph: 09 401 2171
Air Training Corps No 25 Squadron
Clifford St, Kaikohe, Bay of Islands
Albie Pou, Plt Off Ph: (09)401-2171
Kaikohe Business Association
Kaikohe, Bay of Islands
Mike Kanji, Mr, Chairperson
Ph: 09 4052269
Kaikohe Lions Club
Lions Club Of Kaikohe, Kaikohe, Mid North
John Field, President 06-07, PO Box 118, Kaikohe Ph: 09 4052269 Mob: 027 4979929
Ph: 09 4057620
Rawene Lions Club
Rawene, Kaikohe, Bay of Islands
David Osbourne, Presindent 06-07 Ph: 09 4012400
Ph: 09 405 2573
Fax: 09 405 2632
Te Kotahitanga E Mahi Kaha Trust
Office 33 Rankin St, Kaikohe, Bay of Islands
Phil Marsh
Ph: 09 405 2549
Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints
6 Hongi St, Kaikohe, Bay of Islands
Arlen Armstrong Ph: 09 401 1461
Heart of the North Celebration Centre
52 - 56 Mangakahia Road, Kaikohe, Bay of Islands
Mike Shaw, Pastor, 25 Hillcrest Road Ph: 09 4053996 Fax: Mob: 021 842302
Mt Zion Church Kaikohe
36 Heke St, Kaikohe, Far North
Ph: 09 401 9281
St Anthonys Catholic Church
162 Broadway, Kaikohe, Bay of Islands
Brian Prendeville Ph: 09 401 0099
St Michael's Anglican Church
SH 12, Kaikohe, Kaikohe, Far North
Adrienne Tari, Ms., Chair Mob: 021917665
St Stephens Anglican Church
non profit
15 Clifford Street, Kaikohe
Elgin Edwards, Rev, Priest In Charge Ph: 09 4037481 Mob: Elgin Edwards
Ph: 09 405 0235 or 4
Bay Shutterbugs Camera Group
The White House, Kapiro, Kaikohe, Bay of Islands
Yvonne Stefans or Colin Brown
Credit Exchange
Buy & Sell Marketplace Private banking System
PO Box 532 Paihia, Kaikohe, Kaikohe
Geoff Waterhouse, Mr., Customer Service
Ph: 09 401 0816
Kaikohe & Districts Historical & Mechanical Soc.
Recreation Road, Kaikohe, Bay of Islands
Ph: 09 4010429
Kaikohe Ladies Simply Social Club
Kaikohe, Bay of Islands
Dot Field, Mrs Ph/Fax: (09) 401-0429
Ph: 09 4052269
Kaikohe Lions Club
Lions Club Of Kaikohe, Kaikohe, Mid North
John Field, President 06-07, PO Box 118, Kaikohe Ph: 09 4052269 Mob: 027 4979929
Ph: 09 401 1852
Kaikohe Womens Institue, 2nd Tuesday every month
Senior Citizens Hall, 55 Tawanui Rd, Kaikohe, Bay of Islands
Mabel Powick
Ph: 09 4057620
Rawene Lions Club
Rawene, Kaikohe, Bay of Islands
David Osbourne, Presindent 06-07 Ph: 09 4012400
Ph: 09 401 1070
Yun Jung Do
Classes Held: Kaikohe Memorial Hall, Memorial Ave, Kaikohe, Bay of Islands
John Cowan Ph: 09 401 1070
FreePh: 09,405-9499
Ph: 09 405 9874
Fax: 09 405 9499
Oromahoe Trust
State Highway 10, Oromahoe, Kaikohe, Bay of Islands
Ian Gadsby Ph: (09)405-9874 Fax: (09)405-9499
Ph: 09 405 2549
Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints
6 Hongi St, Kaikohe, Bay of Islands
Arlen Armstrong Ph: 09 401 1461
Grace Assembly of God
Intermediate School Hall, Park Road, Kaikohe, Bay of Islands
Taina Savage Ph/Fax: 09 401 0688
Ph: 09 401 9281
St Anthonys Catholic Church
162 Broadway, Kaikohe, Bay of Islands
Brian Prendeville Ph: 09 401 0099
Ph: 09 401 1005
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Support
80 Hillcrest Road, Kaikohe, Bay of Islands
Jo Carey
Ph: 09 405 3927
Community Mental Health Team
Kaikohe, Bay of Islands
Patsy Umaroa
Jason Kidd
Rick Gardner
Ph: 09 401 0760
Kaikohe District Senior Citizens Group
55 Tawanui St, Kaikohe, Bay of Islands
Jack Nicol
Ph: 09 4052269
Kaikohe Lions Club
Lions Club Of Kaikohe, Kaikohe, Mid North
John Field, President 06-07, PO Box 118, Kaikohe Ph: 09 4052269 Mob: 027 4979929
Ph: 09 405 2026
Kaikohe Volunteer Fire Brigade
4 Clifford St, Kaikohe, Bay of Islands
Bill Hutchenson Ph: (09)401-0188
Ph: 09 401 1571
Ohaeawai Cultural Community Centre
Ngawha School Road, Kaikohe, Bay of Islands
The Secretary Ph: (09)401-1571
Ph: 09 405 8671
Opononi Bowling Club
State Hwy 12, Kaikohe, Bay of Islands
The Secretary Ph: (09)405-8671
Ph: 09 4057620
Rawene Lions Club
Rawene, Kaikohe, Bay of Islands
David Osbourne, Presindent 06-07 Ph: 09 4012400
Football Club
Lindvart Park, Kaikohe , Far North
Ph: 09 4010023
Kaikohe Bowling Club
Sydney Street, Kaikohe, Bay of Islands
Waiora Gardens, Health Retreat/Permaculture centre
Paponga rd, Kohukohu, Hokianga
Tom Reid, Mr., Researcher Mob: 021 251 3058
FreePh: 0800824826
Ph: 094011836
Youth Service
Youth Service
108 Broadway , Kaikohe
Ellen Smith, Mrs., Senior Kaimahi Mob: 021733505
Ph: 09 405 3890
Maori Wardens
66A Broadway, Kaikohe, Bay of Islands
Riff Reihana-Ruka Ph: 09 401 0672
Te Roopu Taurima O Manukau Trust
68 Broadway, Kaikohe, Bay of Islands
Ph: 09 405 3400
Fax: 09 401 1414
Ngapuhi Iwi Social Services
Marino Court, Kaikohe, Bay of Islands
R.D. Dargaville
Ph: 09 405 3890
Maori Wardens
66A Broadway, Kaikohe, Bay of Islands
Riff Reihana-Ruka Ph: 09 401 0672
FreePh: 09,401-0410
Ph: 09 401 0084
Fax: 09 401 0410
Te Runanga A Iwi O Ngapuhi Housing Services
16 Mangakahia Rd, Kaikohe, Bay of Islands
Kaye Taylor, Sandra Mataira Ph: (09)401-0084 Fax: (09)401-0410
FreePh: 09,401-0410
Ph: 09 401 5530
Fax: 09 401 0410
Te Runanga a Iwi O Ngapuhi
16 Mangakahia Rd, Kaikohe, Bay of Islands
Taiha Molyneux, Comms Manager Ph: 09 401 5535 Fax: (09)401-0410 Mob: 027 523 0701