6T6 Art and Coffee
66 Broadway, Kaikohe, Bay of Islands
Imeson Country Design
Graphic Designer for all your events and brands
800 Hukerenui Rd, RD 2, Hikurangi, Hikurangi
Janelle Imeson, Mrs., Creative Director
Nga Hua Raranga o Kaikohe
Weaving co-op and lessons
Grrenworld Health Broadway, Kaikohe
Bebe Bourke, coordinator Mob: 021 231 5109
Ph: 09 4012484
Absolute Hire
53 Broadway, Kaikohe, Bay of Islands
FreePh: 09,401-1899
Ph: 09 405 3043
NZ Post Ltd - Kaikohe
144 Broadway, Kaikohe, Bay of Islands
The Secretary Ph/Fax: (09)401-1899
Ph: 09 405 9838
Fax: 09 405 9853
Ohaeawai Butchery
Ohaeawai, RD 2, Kaikohe, Bay of Islands
Wyn Penney Ph: 09 405 9838 Fax: 09 405 9853
Ph: 09 401 0055
Fax: 09 401 0036
Orrs Kaikohe Pharmacy
34 Broadway, Kaikohe, Bay of Islands
Alex Graham, Owner
Ph/Fax: 09 401 1706
Bouquets on Broadway
107 Broadway, Kaikohe, Bay of Islands
Carla Tawhai Ph/Fax: 09 401 1706
Ph/Fax: 09 401 0018
Len's Pies 1996
153 Broadway, Kaikohe, Bay of Islands
Kevin Maxwell Ph: (09)401-0018
Ph: 09 401 0699
Fax: 09 401 0170
Tonys Butchery
91 Broadway, Kaikohe, Bay of Islands
Tony Maxwell Ph: (09)401-0699
Ph: 09 4010525
Fax: 09 4010535
Beds R Us Kaikohe
133 Broadway, Kaikohe, No-rthland
Ian Wilson, Mr., sales
Ph/Fax: 09 401 1706
Bouquets on Broadway
107 Broadway, Kaikohe, Bay of Islands
Carla Tawhai Ph/Fax: 09 401 1706
FreePh: 09,401-3111
Ph: 09 401 5440
Top Energy - Phone Plus
PO Box 243, Kaikohe, Bay of Islands
Mr Roger Bray Ph: (09)401-0325 Fax: (09)401-3111
Kaikohe Lawnmowers and Chainsaws Ltd
145 Broadway, Kaikohe, Bay of Islands
Theo Maraki, Manager Ph: (09)401-0151
Ph: 404 7736
Mid North Honda
32 Klinac Lane, Waipapa, Bay of Island
Sarah King
Matt King, Manager Ph: 407 7736
FreePh: 09,401-0389
Ph: 09 401 0388
Fax: 09 401 0389
Petersen Toyota LMVD
69 Broadway, Kaikohe, Bay of Islands
Peter Petersen, Mr Ph: (09)401-0388 Fax: (09)401-0389
Ph: 09 407 6522
Fax: 09 407 6526
North Memorials
Broadway, Kaikohe, Bay of Islands
Ray Jones, Owner Ph: 09 407 6522 Mob: 0800 184 345
Ph: 09 401 0050
Fax: 09 401 1165
Styles Hair Salon
83 -87 Broadway, Kaikohe, Bay of Islands
Jody Le Noel, Owner Ph: 09 401 0050
Karaina Wihongi
Ph: A/H 09 402 5906
Farm Plastics
32 Rankin Street, Kaikohe, Bay of Islands
Jenny, Owner Ph: 027 366 4732
Ph: 09 405 9850
Ohaeawai Dairy, Redwood Harvest Time
Ohaeawai Road, Kaikohe, Bay of Islands
Virgie Murray Ph: (09)401-1266
Ph: 09 405 2690
Fax: 09 405 3989
Woolworths Kaikohe
Station Rd, Kaikohe, Bay of Islands
Virgie Murray, Ms Ph: 09 405 9850
FreePh: 09,401-1791
Ph/Fax: 09 401 0303
Kaikohe Food Market
120 Broadway, Kaikohe, Bay of Islands
Heather Patel Ph: (09)401-0096 Fax: (09)401-1791
Ph: 09 405 2690
Fax: 09 405 3989
Woolworths Kaikohe
Station Rd, Kaikohe, Bay of Islands
Virgie Murray, Ms Ph: 09 405 9850